Our new season in full ……..

Our first concert is on Sunday October 9th in Huntingdon Hall and is a collaboration with Worcester Concert Club. Tickets for the Masterclass at 12 midday and concert at 3pm are available from Huntingdon Hall Box Office (01905 611427 or on the day)

The remaining four concerts will all take place in the Angel Centre and tickets for these are available from Eventbritehttp://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/worcestershire-early-music-34176624357, or on the door. A special discount is available for those who buy a subscription ticket at £60 for all four concerts, individual tickets are £20 (entry is free to under 18’s and full time students)

Look out for our new book marks featuring the Green Parrot available for you to take and share with friends, who will hopefully flock with you to come and hear our wonderful concerts! The Green Parrot connection will be fully revealed in our second concert “Epitaph for a Green Lover” in November to be given by the Linarol Consort of Viols.

Our friends the Musical and Amicables are performing the concert in February, presenting a programme they played in Hereford as part of the Three Choirs Festival this year: “The Art of Fugue”  J.S.Bach’s great work will be interspersed with poetry.

Ensemble La Notte came to play for us in a lunch time concert a few years ago while they were students at the Birmingham Conservatoire, so it will be good to hear them in April as they make their way in the professional world. 

Our final concert next June brings us Chelys consort of viols who have played for us before and whose programme intertwines folk and early music.

For details of these concerts click on our events


Author: Barbara Dunn

Barbara trained as a teacher and worked for most of her career in Primary Education, eventually serving as a headteacher in Reading and then in Worcester, before taking early retirement. She has been involved with Worcestershire Early Music from its beginning, delivering workshops and organising concerts and the Pride and Prejudice Ball. Barbara is an enthusiastic amateur musician, playing regularly in many different formal and informal gatherings. She performs with the Gloucester Waits on flutes and recorders