Friends of Worcestershire Early Music

We have a growing group of Friends who are generous in their donations to Worcestershire Early Music.  We are always happy to have more Friends, to help us achieve our aim to spread the the understanding and enjoyment of music written before 1800, to a broad audience via concerts and outreach work.  You can become a Friend of Worcestershire Early Music by making an annual minimum donation of just £20.  Friends are invited to an annual Thank You event, usually during our annual Festival.  You can contact us via the contact page.


Author: Barbara Dunn

Barbara trained as a teacher and worked for most of her career in Primary Education, eventually serving as a headteacher in Reading and then in Worcester, before taking early retirement. She has been involved with Worcestershire Early Music from its beginning, delivering workshops and organising concerts and the Pride and Prejudice Ball. Barbara is an enthusiastic amateur musician, playing regularly in many different formal and informal gatherings. She performs with the Gloucester Waits on flutes and recorders