Our 2016 Early Music Festival was a resounding success with superb performances by K’antu, Duo Dorado and the Musical and Amicable Society, as well as record numbers in the audience for each event. So THANK YOU for your support and encouragement. So many people commented on the high standard of performance, and many were delighted to find such quality music making here in Worcester.
As a result of our festival we have extended our Friends Group, and broadened our database significantly. So the next item on our agenda is to prepare the ground for next year’s festival which will have a vocal theme and will again be after Easter, (which is late next year) so we are currently looking at May 7th, 8th and 9th 2017.
Meanwhile we have our two outreach programmes running during the next couple of months. Firstly, Croome Four Seasons will be delivered in four primary schools in Worcester. Pupils will enjoy a visit to Croome Park to see firsthand the work of Capability Brown.
This will be followed by workshops in creating music and garden designs to be given by professional artist Claire Horacek and musicians Kate Fawcett and Micaela Schmitz.
A showcase of the work achieved during the project will take place prior to a concert in College Hall, Worcester Cathedral. The concert at 7.30pm on Friday June 24th in College Hall, Worcester Cathedral, will include a performance of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, as well as Bach Violin concerto in D minor for 2 violins, Vivaldi Concerto Grosso opus 3 no 8 and Wassenaer Concerto Armonico.
I hope you will be able to come to the concert and support our outreach work which has been funded by the Arts Council Lottery Fund, the Bransford Trust, Worcester Arts Council and Worcestershire County Councillors Divisional Fund.
Our second outreach project this term is to be given by Micaela Schmitz and Heather Wastie in Pitcheroak School Redditch exploring themes of Peace and Conflict. Funding has been received from the County Councillors Divisional Fund and Ernest Cook Trust.
Finally we are planning a lunchtime concert to be given in Old Saint Martins, Cornmarket during the Worcester Festival in August. Ruth Hopkins, who leads K’antu, gave a very successful workshop in Hagley RC High School prior to her concert in our festival, and will be offering a recital of works composed by women composers of the Renaissance … so watch this space for further details!