Tickets for our festival have been selling well…..and there’s the opportunity to buy a ticket on the door at all of our events, so hope to see you on Thursday for K’antu, Friday for Duo Dorado and Saturday for The Musical and Amicables!
All concerts begin at 7.15pm and parking outside in the Cornmarket Car Park is just £1 after 7pm. (there are also car parks on the other side of the road including St Martinsgate).
If you are coming to the Friends Reception on Thursday, please make sure you have sent an RSVP so we know how much wine to buy!!
Outreach news; I spent a happy afternoon in Hagley RC High School yesterday with Ruth Hopkins (who leads K’antu). She and her accompanist, Toby (on lute and theorboe), performed songs composed by women, (including one by Anne Boleyn). She then set the pupils a task to compose, in groups, their own accompaniment to a song which Ruth then performed with each group at the end of the session.
Pupils were attentive throughout the afternoon and were fully engaged during each session, and their performances were varied and well received. Ruth’s group K’antu will be performing for us on Thursday, and she and Toby will return to Worcester later in the year to perform more songs by women composers …watch this space for more information.
Micaela’s Peace and Conflict project in Redditch also began this week, and we will be issuing progress reports on this, as well as on our Croome Four Seasons Project which is now under way. We hope you will come to the concert on Friday 24th June which represents the culmination of this work, and will incorporate a performance of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, given by The Musical and Amicable Society, Worcester’s own period instrument ensemble, who can be seen performing for us on Saturday – more information here.
See you soon